Our Forum

One word to describe Way Up

Way Up is an online – or internet based – forum.

In essence, it’s a discussion site where we hold “conversations” in the form of posted messages.  Anyone can start a conversation or take part in an existing one by posting a reply.  Or just read and contemplate.

The site has been set up with a variety of discussion boards to make finding conversations easier.  We also have a calendar where all sorts of events are made accessible to everyone.  These events are organised by members for members.

Some key IT skills and a good understanding of the internet are required.  Should you require assistance from a third party in registering, reading or navigating the forum, please contact Way Up before registering.

Descriptive Phrases about Way Up

By logging on to the forum for the first time you will be committing yourself to abide by our Code of Conduct throughout your membership.  This includes the need to maintain total confidentiality regarding the content of the discussions.  You agree not to share any content with family, friends, or other interested parties.  This includes emails from Way Up.